Friday, 18 November 2011

Value a Telegram

Do you ever wonder if our communication and technology of today is better than it was years ago? It's great to have devices that send messages around the world in a split second. There's just so much to say! But are we becoming better for it all? Are our messages nicer, cleaner, more encouraging? Have we lost touch with the value of a word - now that it's relatively cheap to send "reams" of lengthy emails whenever (and to whomever!) we want? And are relationships improving because of these fast and lengthy emails?

Do you remember the old telegram? Do you even know what it is (if you're not of the "older" generation)?! Now there was something worthwhile. We valued every single word, and before writing it, we made certain to consider if it was really necessary. We made sure that only the message we wanted to send - was sent! We knew that each word cost money - BIG money... and so we thought things out before "clicking the send button."

It seems we've lost our appreciation for the value of a word. There's much we can do with it, but we need to think like we did in the days of telegrams. It's so easy to break relationships, lose customers, friends and even family - simply because we're just too wordy - when it comes to sending an email - or even writing a blog post!

Don't ever forget the good 'ole days. The one's when people were valued, and words cost a lot (a great comparison for the "value" of a relationship!) Keep emails short - and personal interactive communication "long." If you're seeking the "millions" in your life, value every word - especially when it comes to writing an email. The shorter, the better. The more thought out... the stronger it will be and you'll say just what you want in a hundredth of the time!

Stay away from long emails. Pick up the phone. Meet in person - and make relationships that are meaningful and real!

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