Wednesday, 4 March 2009

How to Fundraise

How to Fundraise

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Whether you're raising money for victims suffering in a humanitarian disaster, or fundraising for Little League or another kid's sports team, there are a million ways to earn money and reach your goal.


  1. Set a goal (How much do you need to raise?).
  2. Create a timeline (How much time do you have to raise it?).

Who Should You Raise Funds From?
  1. Who will you ask for the money (What is your target audience?) Whether you are raising money for your school or a political candidate, this is critical. Look first for a list of previous donors to this or similar causes. Most political campaigns donors are now posted on the web and are searchable by zipcode. If this is unavailable create a list from Christmas-card lists; school,club or church directories; or lists of co-workers or neighbors.
How will you ask for the money?
  1. The likeliest method is an event. This sets a date certain and helps keep the fundraising on-track.
  2. Take advantage of any special talents you might have. Maybe you sew and crochet--make some items to sell. You can sell them online, at a craft show, or set up shop in your own front yard, and have a garage sale to go with it, to earn extra.
  3. Log onto the internet, type in "fundraising items", or you can type in "wholesale candles", or "wholesale picture frames",depending on what it is that you want to sell. By going through wholesale, you can get a lot more products, than you would going to a retail store, and for more than half the price.
  4. Make a sign or print up some fliers, letting your customers know what their money is going towards.
  5. Have a change jar set up on your pay table, and people can drop their loose change into it, at the end of the day, go to your supermarket, or one that has a change-counting machine. Drop all the change into the machine, then it will print up a receipt for you, to take over to a cashier. Then the cashier will hand you the amount in bills, and you won't have to send change, or spend change, to fund your fund-raiser.

Contact a fundraising agency
  1. Create an online fundraising page. Create a webpage, send the link to your family, friends, co-workers, parishioners, teammates, etc. and collect donations via credit cards online. It's easy and simple, and eliminates spending a lot of time sending letters, calling people, and organizing big events.


More important tips for raising funds.


  • You can have friends, family, and people in your neighborhood donate items to you, so you can sell them in your yard sale.
  • If you're already on a tight budget, then a craft show probably isn't for you at this time. For many official craft shows, you have to be willing to spend $25.00 and higher for a booth.
  • Get a backpack or briefcase instead of handling your papers freely. It makes you look professional and it doesn't let your papers fly in the wind.
  • Many foundations will only give to charitable not-for-profits (i.e. 501(c)3 IRS tax status). Be sure to include a copy of this status with any letters you send to a foundation for support. Less work on their end to verify your status equals more time they can spend on learning about your cause and qualifying a contribution.


  • Fundraising agencies typically take a large percentage of the funds they raise for you. Be sure to carefully review the contract terms before hiring an agency to raise funds for you.

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