Monday, 16 November 2009

Article Directories - Your Personal Magazines on the Internet

Article Directories
Your Personal Magazines on the Internet

This blog is all about getting yourself known out there. If you're wanting to make use of the Internet to generate wealth (which it really can do,) you need to get the entire world to know about you. It's no good just having family and a few friends know about you, because they already know what you can do.

Imagine the biggest marketers in the world today selling their wares to family and friends only… They may not make many sales. In fact they may not make any sales at all! You've probably heard the expression "You can't be a prophet in your own city." In other words, if you walk around your own city dressed up in the most mystical of garments rolling your eyes – even if you *are* a prophet, nobody will believe you. The reason is simple… Since everyone already knows you – and they know you're just an ordinary person, you certainly can't be a prophet! But when you do the same things in another city – you're sure to get a lot of attention with everybody recommending your terrific services.

When it comes to marketing, let the Internet be the place to let yourself get out to the entire world! You can use web pages and blogs. But there's another great place to get yourself known on – Ezines. E-Zine is the shortened form for Electronic magaZINE. In the "old days" one would buy a paper magazine (do they still have them?) – where one could find the articles that appealed to one. Today one can literally find complete magazines online without having to buy the real paper version.

Because ezines became so popular, the Internet expanded itself out to allowing for people to post articles of wisdom and the like in a form that catches people's attention as being authoritative in a particular area. E-zine expanded from the idea of complete magazines to being set up as article directories. Not full magazines, but rather places where hundreds of thousands of authoritative articles exist on just about every subject possible! What area are you an expert in? Animals? Medicine? Law? Accounting? Computers? The subjects are infinite…

Now, imagine for a moment having one Internet site devoted exclusively to the best of articles written by the most authoritative people today (you know, like you and me?) People would flock there every single day to see the latest posts that could help them understand the world better – from an authoritative point of view of course! This article that you are reading – for example – may be considered just that, as I go about sharing with you the benefits of writing educational articles for the world to read.

So here you go… You have the ability to write and you want the world to see your work. You can write on your blog and get "only so much" traffic. Many people will see your article. You can write on your own web site and also generate traffic and begin to make new connections with others – when they realize how smart you are. But imagine a site that is regularly getting hundreds of thousands of hits a day… and people are constantly searching for the topic you're the authority on? They're going to be reading your article!

Then, they'll be so excited about your wisdom that they'll want to learn more about you. They'll click on a link showing them a brief biography of the person whose article they're reading (i.e. you), and then perhaps even see their web site and blogs advertised. THEN they'll click on those sites, and see the real you – that much more closely.

It's another great way to let others know how talented you are – how much you have to share with others, what you are able to share and give to others… and of course be the opening gate for you to introduce what services or products you have to sell. This may even be your own writing.

Someone is bound to see your creativity and greatness and want to employ your services, purchase your products, or hire you to be the next CEO of the next biggest marketing company in the world.

The idea sounds great – you say. Now, how do I actually go about submitting my articles?

I'm going to recommend one terrific site to you. I believe (personally) that it is the biggest available article site on the Internet. You'll get tremendous exposure and you'll see people will find their way to your sites in no time at all, generating extra traffic (which really means extra income in the end) for you. If you don't believe me, why not take a look at my own details on it to see just how many articles I have already written, and how much exposure I've had from it.

Those wishing to learn about other sites, are welcome to be in touch with me directly, and I will be happy to make further recommendations. There are some that even often a few extra pennies for your hard work. That's right! It's a great deal. You write what you enjoy writing, and they pay you. Payment is done on a per view basis. If your article is genuinely good, then millions of people will be reading it – right?! Well then the deal is fair! If it's such a great article, and millions are reading it, you need to be compensated accordingly. And so you are. Don't expect to make millions from these sites, but rest assured, if you do contribute, you will receive payment. I myself use a number of sites and feel I have gained tremendously from all of them.

As a bonus, if you choose to join some of the paying sites, and you're able to convince others of their value, you'll be paid a small bonus amount from the site for having recommended them as well. This means that when those friends of yours write articles and others read them, both your friends and you will receive a little something extra.

Let's go now and join, write some articles, and may this lead to generating even further wealth!

1. Go to
2. Notice the top left block – where you'll see everything you need to get going
3. You'll also notice on the top of the screen that there are over 200 000 experts!
4. Click on "Submit Articles" – top left corner – or top right corner "Join Now"
5. Fill our your personal details
6. DONE!

You're now registered. If you go back to the site again, and click on Members Login, you'll be able to edit a number of important details (which we are not going into at the moment) and be able to submit your article (which we can discuss another time.) Keep in touch and let me know how you're progressing.

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